Instruments & Accessories

Further below, you’ll find brief explanations of musical instruments used world-wide, their origins and healing modalities.

Tibetan Singing Bowls

Ancient and transportive, singing bowls are usually crafted by a specific combination of alloys associated with the planets (gold, silver, mercury, copper, iron, tin and lead.)

Crystal Bowls

While traditional Tibetan singing bowls have been used since ancient times, crystal bowls particularly resonate with crystalline structures, including those within our physical makeup.

Tuning Forks

Probably the most literal tool available when we think of vibrational tune-ups, its history is indeed extensive. Place the end on key points of the body while maintaining awareness of breath.

Crystal Tuning Forks

The surprisingly strong and long-lasting vibration of reconstituted crystal is subtle and when used with crystals, effectively enhances the light conductivity within their lattice structure. This instrument is typically used directly on chosen points or by sweeping over and around the body.

Tank/Tongue Drums

Cosmically melodic and a beautiful texture in a sound bath or solo – tuned to one key, so choose accordingly.


Recent evidence has traced gongs as far back as the Bronze Age in Mesopotamia. While they have been traced to the Roman Empire and later throughout Europe in the late 1700’s, the depth of vibration and its sweeping effects over the human senses is profound and leaves one awe-stricken. If you haven’t attended a gong sound bath before, do treat yourself to the experience!

Crystal Pyramids

Among my personal favorite, the crystal pyramid’s long-lasting resonant effect can be felt especially surrounding your head and the sound is altered by swinging or spinning the chord.